Internship Opportunities Skip to main content

Internship Opportunities

The Field Work training is considered by the faculty to be the single most important experience you will have in your social work education. It requires a significant time commitment and before it is completed you and the faculty will know whether or not you are suited and prepared to become a professional social worker.

The following institutions and agencies have been or are being utilized for the field instruction of MSW students (in every case, the field instructors have an MSW degree):

If a student has a particular interest in a setting which has not yet been developed as a practicum placement, this interest should be conveyed to the Fieldwork Education Director as early as possible. If such a placement is educationally sound, every effort will be extended to negotiate a contract for placement. This is especially true if you would like an international field placement, i.e. LDS Family Services, LDS Charities, United Nations organizations, etc.

The selection of students for placement in a given agency hinges upon a number of variables: the interests and career goals of the student, the student's prior employment and volunteer experience, the agency's preference for particular students, and the faculty's perception of individualized educational needs. The field faculty makes each placement on the basis of educational needs. The need for a stipend is subordinate to what is determined to be educationally sound for the student. In all cases, the student's needs and wishes will be given serious consideration. Students may be required to travel to nearby communities for their placement. If you are working part-time for a state agency, please know that we may have difficulty getting a paid practicum for you. Please contact the Field Director immediately.