Conference Participation Funding Skip to main content

Conference Participation Funding


The Marjorie Pay Hinckley Endowed Chair in Social Work and the Social Sciences and the Mary Lou Fulton Chair in the College of Family, Home and Social Sciences provide funds to support student participation in professional academic conferences. These awards can be used to pay for the student's conference registration, travel, meals and lodging.


Requests are evaluated on the following criteria:

  1. Level of student involvement in the research effort. Grants should only be requested for the students who played a significant role in the research effort and will be presenting at the conference.
  2. Quality of the conference. Participation at a national conference is given greater weight than at a regional conference.
  3. Funded students should only be those who will be significantly involved in the presentation at the conference. If more than two students will present the same poster or paper, the faculty mentor and the department chair should justify why additional students require funding. Students who are not presenting will not be funded no matter their involvement with the research, paper, or poster preparation.
  4. Funding is only provided for the days the student(s) will be presenting. The School is not able to fund lodging and meals for all days of the conference.
  5. Typically students will only be funded for one conference during their studies at BYU. Applications may be considered for a second conference, but the funds provided may be reduced.
  6. Grants are available for professional academic conferences only.

Applications need to be submitted no later than two months prior to the beginning of the conference.


To apply, please complete this survey:


Within two weeks following the conference each recipient is required to write a report about how they benefited from presenting at the conference. These reports need be no longer than one page, double-spaced, and should include the full name of the conference, student, and title of their presentation. Please submit reports, along with a high resolution picture of yourself at the conference, to the School of Social Work Office Manager.